Ants (General)


Ants are common household pests that can invade homes, seeking food, water and shelter. In Christchurch, New Zealand, several ant species pose problems for homeowners. This report provides practical strategies and preventive measures to control and manage ant infestations in domestic homes.

Identification of Common Ant Species:

Before implementing ant control measures, it is essential to identify the ant species present in your home. The most common ant species found in Christchurch include the Argentine ant, the white-footed house ant, the black house ant, and the Darwin's ant. Each species may have different nesting habits and food preferences, which can inform the control methods used.

Prevention Techniques:

1/ Maintain cleanliness: Cleanliness is crucial in deterring ants. Regularly clean floors, countertops, and other surfaces to remove food particles and spills that can attract ants. Ensure that rubbish bins are tightly sealed and emptied frequently.

2/ Seal entry points: Inspect the exterior of your home for cracks, gaps, or openings that ants can use to enter. Seal these entry points using caulk or weather stripping to prevent ant infestations.

3/ Proper food storage: Store food in airtight containers to eliminate potential food sources for ants. Keep sugary substances, such as honey and syrup, in tightly sealed containers, as ants are attracted to sweet foods.

4/ Remove water sources: Fix any leaking pipes, faucets, or appliances that create moisture, as ants are attracted to water sources. Wipe up spills promptly and keep sinks and bathrooms dry.

Non-Chemical Control Methods:

1/ Natural repellents: Certain natural substances can deter ants. Some examples include cinnamon, vinegar, citrus peels, peppermint oil, and coffee grounds. Place these items strategically near ant trails or potential entry points.

2/ Physical barriers: Create physical barriers to prevent ant access to certain areas. This can be done by applying a sticky barrier, such as petroleum jelly or double-sided tape, to window sills, door frames, and other entry points.

Chemical Control Methods:

1/ If non-chemical methods prove ineffective or the infestation is severe, consider using chemical insecticides. It is recommended to consult a professional pest control service for safe and effective application of insecticides. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and consider the potential risks to humans, pets, and the environment.

2/ Ant baits: Use ant bait stations or gels containing slow-acting insecticides specifically designed for ant control. Ants will carry the bait back to their colony, effectively targeting the entire ant population. Ant baits are an attractant so use them away from the home.

3/ Regular Monitoring and Maintenance: After implementing control measures, regularly monitor your home for any signs of ant activity. Maintain cleanliness and continue practicing preventive techniques to ensure long-term ant control.

4/ Conclusion: Controlling ant infestations in domestic homes requires a multi-faceted approach involving prevention, non-chemical and chemical control methods, and regular maintenance. By implementing these strategies, homeowners in Christchurch, New Zealand, can effectively manage and control ant populations, creating a pest-free living environment.

Where to obtain professional advice


Melvyn or Kevin Gilbert. Phone. 03 3841636 (NEW ZEALAND)

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